
Askir's Ruh

A Sanctuary for Wanderers and Worshippers

Askir's Ruh, a venerable inn and temple dedicated to Askir, the god of hospitality, travel, and wanderlust, sits proudly on the banks of the river Vinshgau. Built from sturdy stone and timber, this sanctuary welcomes weary travelers with its cozy rooms, each furnished with comfortable beds, armchairs by fireplaces, and softly glowing candles that create a warm, inviting ambiance. The scent of fresh bread and roasted meats often wafts through the hallways, promising a hearty meal after a long journey.

The inn’s courtyard blooms with vibrant flowers, creating a serene atmosphere where guests can relax and unwind. Birds sing in the trees, and the gentle murmur of the river adds to the tranquility. Monthly ceremonies honor Askir, featuring offerings, music, and joyous dances around a central fire pit, where stories of distant lands are shared, and bonds are formed between strangers. Visitors during these times are said to receive blessings for their journeys, a treasured gift for those passing through. The inn also boasts a library filled with maps and travel journals, a testament to the countless adventurers who have sought respite within its walls.

Inside the temple, a grand statue of Askir stands, his open arms symbolizing welcome and safe passage. Pilgrims come from far and wide to seek guidance, leaving tokens of their travels at the statue's feet. The temple's high ceilings and stained-glass windows create a peaceful, reverent atmosphere, where the faithful can find solace and inspiration.

Adventure Hooks

  1. The Sacred Relic: A sacred relic of Askir has been stolen from the temple. Track down the thieves and return the artifact to restore peace to the inn. Rumors suggest the relic holds the key to a powerful blessing.
  2. The Haunted Room: One of the inn's rooms is rumored to be haunted by a restless spirit. Uncover the spirit’s history and help it find peace. Guests report strange noises and chilling drafts in the middle of the night.
  3. The Secret Tunnel: A hidden tunnel beneath the inn leads to ancient ruins. Explore the tunnel and discover what lies in the forgotten depths. Some believe it might be the entrance to a long-lost treasure.
  4. The Poisoned Feast: During a ceremony, guests fall ill from a poisoned offering. Investigate the source of the poison and prevent further harm. Suspicion falls on a new arrival who seemed overly curious about the temple's rituals.
  5. The Lost Pilgrim: A pilgrim seeking divine guidance has vanished. Retrace their steps and uncover the mystery of their disappearance. Clues lead to a remote part of the forest where few dare to venture.

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