

A Bastion of Trade and Order

Nestled in the heart of the Free Valleys, the small free city of Schlandern is a picturesque haven, flanked by rolling hills and dense forests. Once under the firm grip of Eduard Rabenmund, a now feebleminded ruler, Schlandern's true power lies with the Church of Seydis, the goddess of justice and order. The Seydis Temple, an awe-inspiring white marble edifice adorned with carvings of scales and swords, serves as both a spiritual and military hub, housing the knightly order of the Whitecoats.

The temple’s tall, arched windows flood the interior with light, illuminating the high-vaulted ceilings and rows of wooden pews. A grand statue of Seydis, holding a sword and scales, dominates the far end, symbolizing the city's devotion to justice.

Schlandern thrives on its vibrant trade, renowned for its fine textiles and exquisite metalwork. The bustling markets are alive with the chatter of merchants selling colorful fabrics, intricate jewelry, and robust weaponry. Encircled by tall, gray stone walls fortified with towers, the city stands resilient against invaders, a testament to its storied past.

Two prominent bridges span the Etsch River that flows through the city. The ancient Stonebridge, an arched marvel of architecture, connects the eastern and western districts, while the more recent Newbridge, built of wood and iron, facilitates vital trade routes downstream.

In the city's heart lies the Great Market Square, a lively hub where traders from afar set up stalls, and townsfolk gather for events and announcements. A grand statue of Seydis here reinforces the city's dedication to justice and order.

The Old Keep, a cold and foreboding fortress within the city walls, once served as Eduard Rabenmund’s seat of power. Though now largely unused, its menacing stone walls and narrow windows remain a stark reminder of his tyranny and the heroes who ended it.

Schlandern, with its rich heritage, formidable defenses, and vibrant trade, remains a beacon of history and intrigue in the Free Valleys.

Adventure Hooks

  1. The Missing Merchant: A renowned textile merchant has vanished, leaving behind a cryptic clue pointing to the Old Keep. Unravel the mystery and discover what lies within the abandoned fortress.
  2. Shadows Over Schlandern: Rumors of a shadowy figure manipulating city politics from behind the scenes have emerged. Investigate the dark alleys and hidden corners of Schlandern to uncover the truth.
  3. The Cursed Weave: A series of cursed fabrics has surfaced in the market, causing chaos among the townsfolk. Track down the source of this dark magic and put an end to it.
  4. Siege of Justice: A rival faction seeks to undermine the Whitecoats and take control of the Seydis Temple. Defend the temple and uphold the principles of justice.
  5. Echoes of Tyranny: Strange apparitions of Eduard Rabenmund have been seen haunting the Old Keep. Explore the keep and lay the restless spirit to rest, uncovering secrets of the past.

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