
Waldkreuz and the Seven Villages

An Alliance Amidst the Wargaswald Forest

The Wargaswald Forest shelters eight small villages within its dense boundaries, each with its unique character and charm. The villagers have forged a loose alliance, providing mutual aid and trading resources when needed.

Holzgau boasts a rare harbor, offering sea transport from the west towards Wenzel Coastal Village. It serves as a haven for those daring enough to explore the seas beyond the treacherous forests filled with dangerous wildlife.

Griems, one of the larger villages, is fortified with stones gathered from the forest floor. Known for its skilled craftsmen and traders, Griems attracts merchants seeking finely crafted weapons and intricate jewelry.

Trebing lies further west, along the road to Silberbach. Its fertile soil supports lush agricultural production, with halflings making up a significant part of the population. The villagers also rely on hunting and woodworking.

Silberbach was established after the discovery of an old pagan temple on a nearby hill. The villagers, known for their hunting prowess, live simple lives and maintain strong trade relationships with neighboring towns.

Dunkelbach, the smallest village, is deep within the heart of the forest. Its hardy inhabitants trap animals and fish from nearby streams, worshiping ancient gods believed to protect them.

Wenzel, south-east of Dunkelbach, is a small settlement on a ridge. Here, shepherds tend to flocks in summer, creating unique woolen garments for trade.

Uhlgau, once a mining town, now stands partly abandoned. A few persistent souls search for valuable artifacts amid the ruins, living in a place filled with memories and ghosts of the past.

Waldkreuz, once a mighty stronghold and regional guardian, is now occupied by Glurnser troops. This town, crucial for the supply chain, imposes a heavy tribute on all villages, with rumors of disappearances linked to resistance against Glurnser oppression.

Adventure Hooks

  1. The Glurnser Resistance: Investigate the mysterious disappearances in Waldkreuz. Uncover the truth behind the oppressive Glurnser occupation.
  2. Forgotten Mines of Uhlgau: Explore the ruins of Uhlgau and search for hidden artifacts. What secrets lie buried in this ghostly town?
  3. Pagan Temple of Silberbach: Discover the mysteries surrounding the ancient pagan temple. What power or knowledge does it conceal?
  4. Trade Disruptions: Safeguard trade routes between the villages, fending off natural threats and bandits alike.
  5. The Whispering Forest: Delve into the heart of Wargaswald Forest, seeking to understand the ancient gods worshiped by Dunkelbach's villagers and the magic that binds the forest.