

A Town of Resilience and Indulgence

Nestled half a day's ride from Martsch and situated on the north crossroads, Jufal sits gracefully by the banks of the majestic Jufal Lake, known for its superb fish. The town is traversed by the prominent Jarlsweg road and hosts an annual fair that draws visitors from afar, filling the air with the vibrant energy of market stalls and festivities.

Since the fall of Martsch to the Glurnser forces, Jufal has transformed into a key garrison town for the invaders' western campaign, with the once incomplete city wall now being fortified under their control. The townsfolk, known for their hardworking and amiable nature, have adapted to these changes with resilience and determination.

At the heart of Jufal lies the Temple of Leija, a grand and opulent edifice dedicated to the God of music, arts, and creativity. This Feast Hall of Leija, adorned with intricate carvings and frescoes, stands as the town's largest structure and a center of worship where priests and priestesses promote indulgence in sin and lust as forms of divine expression.

The bustling streets of Jufal are lined with merchants offering a myriad of goods—spices from distant lands, exotic fabrics, and finely crafted jewelry. The clamor of blacksmiths at work and carpenters shaping wood fills the air, while colorful banners flutter above, enhancing the town's lively atmosphere. Numerous inns and taverns cater to travelers, but none are as popular as the Feasthall of Leija, where both locals and visitors gather.

Jufal is a place of endless discovery, from summer solstice festivals brimming with music and dance to springtime jousts and bardic tales shared around bonfires. This enchanting town offers something for everyone, including the unique allure of the Temple of Leija's indulgent worship practices.

Adventure Hooks

  1. The Hidden Cache: Workers rebuilding the wall uncover a hidden chamber. What secrets or treasures lie within, and who will lay claim to them?
  2. Tainted Waters: The once-bountiful fish of Jufal Lake are dwindling. Delve into the depths to find the cause—whether it be natural or a sinister plot.
  3. Underground Resistance: Whispered plans of rebellion against the Glurnser forces stir among the townsfolk. Will you aid them in their fight for freedom or betray them for a reward?
  4. Temple Shadows: Strange happenings are reported in the Temple of Leija. Investigate the source of these disturbances and uncover the mysteries hidden in its sacred halls.
  5. Festival Sabotage: The beloved annual fair is marred by a series of sabotage attempts. Can you identify and stop the saboteur before the festivities are ruined?


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