The Feyline is an extraordinary magical force created from the destruction of the god Mada at the end of the Second Age. This enigmatic and pulsating energy resonates across the world, forming the very foundation of magic.
When the god Mada challenged the other gods and was destroyed, her spirit escaped into this magical substance, creating the Feyline. The Darkgnomes, believed to be Mada's disciples, perceive the Feyline as the spirit of Mada herself and strive to release her to resurrect her into godhood.
The Feyline isn't a static energy but a pulsating and vibrating force that ebbs and flows across the land. Its strength and presence can vary from place to place and even from moment to moment. The Feyline vibrates and shifts with varying intensities, magnetically drawn to certain hotspots often found in ancient ruins or landmarks, like the tower of Dragenfels. These hotspots are focal points of magical energy and often sites of powerful magical artefacts. Powerful mages, creatures, and factions like the Darkgnomes seek control over the Feyline's hotspots. Their motivations can range from personal power to world-altering ambitions.
Magic users "weave" into the Feyline to harness its power, and the method of tapping varies:
The Feyline's power fluctuates with the seasons, impacting various magical aspects:
During Solstices and Equinoxes, unique phenomena occur, allowing special rituals.